The Best
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

The Bestدخول
●● إعلانـات ●●
انمي تون إعلانك هنا إعلانك هنا
إعـلانـات المنتـدى

إحصائيات المنتدى
أفضل الاعضاء هذا الشهر
آخر المشاركات
أفضل الاعضاء هذا الشهر
1031 المساهمات
444 المساهمات
425 المساهمات
421 المساهمات
406 المساهمات
129 المساهمات
97 المساهمات
89 المساهمات
76 المساهمات
63 المساهمات
آخر المشاركات

Just Remember Allah ~

6 مشترك

descriptionJust Remember Allah ~ EmptyJust Remember Allah ~

Just Remember Allah ~ Welcome

When things are down,

And you are out of your mind,

Just Remember,

Allah is The All-Kind.

When your life is in darkness,

And nothing is right,

Just Remember,

Through the darkness,

Allah is The Light.

When nothing makes sense,

And your heading for demise,

Just Remember,

It doesn't make sense but, Allah is The All-Wise.

When times are troubled,

And no one seems to care,

Just Remember,

Allah won't hurt you, He is Just.

When your heart is breaking,

And your pain makes you fall,

Just Remember,

Allah Sees all.

When you are weak,

And the road seems long,

Just Remember,

Seek strength from The All-Strong.

When life is a burden,

And everything is unstable,

Just Remember,

Allah is Able to do all.

When the way is cloudy,

And there is no one by your side,

Just Remember,

Allah is The Only Guide.

When no one wants to listen,

Or is willing to lend an ear,

Just Remember,

Allah is the All-Hearing.

When you are poor and penniless,

And you are stuck in a niche,

Just Remember,

Allah is The Rich.

When you are down in your misery,

And there is nowhere to run,

Just Remember,

You can always run to The One.

When you r all alone,

And your pain has no end,

Just Remember,

Allah is the only one you can depend on.

And when your scars are hurting,

And your heart is in fear,

Just Remember,

Allah is with those who are patient

descriptionJust Remember Allah ~ Emptyرد: Just Remember Allah ~

نــــــــــعم كلامك صحيح
لازم نذكر الله دائما فى كل الاوقات والازماان
Just Remember Allah ~ 10696

descriptionJust Remember Allah ~ Emptyرد: Just Remember Allah ~

جـــزآآك الله خيرا و جعله في ميزان حسنــاتك
بارك الله فيك

descriptionJust Remember Allah ~ Emptyرد: Just Remember Allah ~

شكـــرآ لك على الموضوع الروووعة

Just Remember Allah ~ Thanks10

بإنتظار كل جديد منك
Just Remember Allah ~ 474704

descriptionJust Remember Allah ~ Emptyرد: Just Remember Allah ~


مشـــــــــكورة لمروركم

descriptionJust Remember Allah ~ Emptyرد: Just Remember Allah ~

شكـرآ لك علـى الموضوع

Just Remember Allah ~ 866468155

descriptionJust Remember Allah ~ Emptyرد: Just Remember Allah ~

شكرا على الموضوع 
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Just Remember Allah ~
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chat_bubbleajmal sowar allah alhoussna
chat_bubblemaher zain insha allah
chat_bubble#مشاري_راشد_العفاسي - لا إله إلا الله - Mishari Alafasy La Elah Ela Allah
chat_bubbleAlways remember that after every winter the spring will come :)
chat_bubbleمانجا Do You Remember, Mogwa? | تحميل + قراءة