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descriptionWave Control Pro v1.42 EmptyWave Control Pro v1.42

Wave Control Pro v1.42 0041

Wave Control Pro v1.42


Control Your Music With a Wave of Your Hand!

Wave Control Pro v1.42 499011564

لمحة عامة: تحكم في الموسيقى مع موجة من يدك!


Uses the proximity sensor on your phone to allow control of your music
playback by waving your hand over your phone. No need to turn on your
screen or even touch your phone at all!
As seen on:
*Huffington Post*
*Pro Version*
-No Ads
-More Commands
-Assign Which Gesture Does Which Command
Coming Soon:
More Features - feel free to email any requests you have
Update the UI

Easy to use, just wave your hand over the sensor (usually located just next to the earpiece on your phone).

Holding it there will Pause/Resume
One wave across will go to the Next Song
Two waves across will go to the Previous Song
Three times (needs to be fast) will Pause or Resume the controls
*Be sure to enable Headset Button Control in your player of choice
Some Notes:
There is a little less than a second to register your waves.
Tip for the hover gesture: if you move your hand away too quickly it'll register a wave
After an action, there is a 1 second delay before another gesture will be registered
Will work with any player that accepts headset (media button) controls
If the screen is off or another app is in focus, phone vibrates once on pause control and twice on resume controls
Practice your wave techniques by checking the "Last Action"
If you're getting another player responding to the commands, check if that app has the option to disable headset button controls
I have read that the sensor will behave differently on different phones.
I don't have the resources to have a bunch of phones around to test on.
If there is a problem with the app, please email me at and give me a chance to figure it out before leaving a bad review!
And… there is a chance this app may not be compatible with your phone..
sorry. I'll do my best to keep the compatibility list up to date so
future users won't run into issues.

Permissions Needed:

Wake Lock: So it will work when the screen is off
Read Phone State: So it won't do anything when you're on a call
Vibrate To use when screen if off or app not in focus

What's in this version:

V1.42: Faster Gesture Response

More Info:

Download Instructions:

Wave Control Pro v1.42 0041

descriptionWave Control Pro v1.42 Emptyرد: Wave Control Pro v1.42

.. شكــرآإ جزيــلـآإ ..

descriptionWave Control Pro v1.42 Emptyرد: Wave Control Pro v1.42

Wave Control Pro v1.42 2935028604

descriptionWave Control Pro v1.42 Emptyرد: Wave Control Pro v1.42

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Wave Control Pro v1.42 866468155

descriptionWave Control Pro v1.42 Emptyرد: Wave Control Pro v1.42

شكرا لك

descriptionWave Control Pro v1.42 Emptyرد: Wave Control Pro v1.42

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Wave Control Pro v1.42
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